

We will begin making assignments in late June and continue throughout the summer. 住房分配是基于我们收到您的住房和餐饮合同的日期. 出于这个原因,我们鼓励您在决定来正规澳门赌场网络后尽快发送这些信息. You will be able to access your roommate information beginning in mid-July.


我们尽量满足宿舍的要求, not every student will get his or her preferred hall assignment. Continuing students have priority selection in the spring of the previous year. Therefore, some halls fill to capacity sooner than others. The sooner you turn in your completed application, the better your chances are for getting your preferred assignment.


On the application, there is a place for you to indicate a roommate preference. 然而, 首选项必须是相互的,并且两个应用程序应同时收到, since assignments are based on the date the application is received.


The first bill you receive will have a default charge. 此收费(反映双重费率)旨在帮助您和您的监护人解决与融资有关的问题. 一旦你的任务被我们的办公室完成,更新的住房费用将应用到你的学生账户. 请注意,大多数一年级学生将在学年中分成三组. 目前您账单上的默认费用不是准确的费用,也不意味着您将被分到两份.

What is a Living Learning Community or Themed Housing option? 我如何申请?

生活学习社区(llc)和主题住房选择是专门的住房楼层,为一年级学生提供介绍性的领导机会, themed programs over the course of the academic year. 我们有针对特定学习领域和主题住房选择的有限责任公司,向所有学生开放. For information about our Living Learning Communities and Themed Housing options, 请浏览我们的网站To apply for a LLC or Themed Housing option, please visit our housing portal 完成申请.



Contact 餐饮服务 by phone at (207) 602-2369 or email at UNEdining@psozxd.com.


What is furnished in a typical first-year resident's room?

房间里有床、椅子、桌子、梳妆台、衣柜和固定的照明设备. 你可以在住房和居住/通勤生活办公室的网站上找到一份正规澳门赌场网络你需要带什么和不需要带什么的综合清单.


Once you arrive, contact Mail Services to receive your key and P.O. 框赋值. Mail Services is located in the back of the Facilities Building. You will have the university address followed by a P.O. 箱数. 注意不要混淆你的P.O. 盒子号和您的房间号.

我从去年搬到了另一个大厅. 我怎么换一个邮箱?

如果你搬到另一个大厅,需要移动你的邮箱,这样你就可以访问它, contact Mail Services to change your mailbox location. They will also take your old mail key and give you a new one for your new box. If you are in the same hall or will have access to your same mailbox for next year, 你可以保留你那一年的邮箱和钥匙.

I’ve received a slip in my mailbox and want to pick up a package. When are the mailrooms in the residence halls open?

Each of the mailrooms has posted hours in the residence halls. There are students who work the mailroom 桌子上s during these times, 然后你就可以去取包裹了. If there is no student worker present during that time, 可能是因为课程表有重合,应该很快就会有人来.

我的房间可以上网吗? 是无线的吗?? 我有电话吗?

There are internet jacks for each person in each bedroom, as well as a phone jack. A student may request to have their jacks enabled. There is also wireless internet in each of the residence halls. 大学将使用校园电子邮件作为与学生沟通的主要手段之一, from important notices about school closings to notes from the faculty.


为您提供有线电视连接! 每个房间都有一条有源有线电视线路,提供70多个频道的观看. 你需要提供电视和同轴电缆,从电视到墙壁. 如果你选择不带电视, 每个宿舍休息室都配有电视和DVD播放机,并连接到有线电视上.

What should I bring to make my room seem more like home?

地毯, 床罩, 可移动的灯, 海报, 装饰的枕头, and plants are just a few ideas; the list goes on. 还记得, there will be two or three of you sharing the space, 所以对你打算带的东西要现实一点. 由于存储空间有限, 你不可能带自己的床来, 桌子上, 或其他家具. The following is a checklist of items students usually bring with them:

  • 洗漱用品
  • 床罩
  • 枕头
  • 小地毯
  • 毯子
  • 手电筒
  • 广播/立体声
  • 洗衣袋或篮子
  • 化妆品
  • 台灯(s)
  • 粉丝
  • 废纸篓(只含金属)
  • 图片/海报
  • 认可延长线

在你开始收拾行李去学校之前,你可能想和你的室友联系一下,以避免重复的物品. 你也可以等到你到达后再买床罩和窗帘,这样你们俩就可以就图案或颜色达成一致. 大厅里的大多数窗户都安装了节能窗帘,以保护隐私, 但如果你想装饰你的窗户, 测量结果如下:

大厅 窗口大小
阿西西 74"宽x 60"长
阿维拉 74"宽x 60"长
尚普兰 70“宽x 54”长

卧室:36" x 53"

公共区域:98“宽x 53”长

Featherman 72“宽x 60”长
弗雷德里克 54“宽x 60”长
帕多瓦 74"宽x 60"长
锡耶纳 74"宽x 60"长

单人房:36“宽x 49”长

双人间:60“宽x 49”长


Most furniture is movable; beds can either be bunked or lofted, depending upon the hall to which you are assigned. The room sizes below are just approximations and may vary between rooms. 如果你打算买地毯,我们建议你先看看你的房间. Mattresses are oversized twins — 36" X 80" in all buildings except East and West.

大厅 房间大小
阿维拉 10'8" x 15'2"
阿西西 10'8" x 15'2"

卧室:12英尺7英寸x 14英尺7英寸

公共区域:11 × 10


卧室:9英尺x 10英尺8英寸

公共区域:9'3" x 11'4"

Featherman 11'9" x 12'3"
弗雷德里克 10'7" x 13'9"
帕多瓦 10'8" x 15'2"
锡耶纳 10'8" x 15'2"

单张:8'10" x 10'8"

双人床:14'5" x 11'4"

公共区域:9'4" x 11'9"


热板, 蜡烛, 烤箱, and items with an open heating element are not allowed in residence hall rooms; there are kitchens available in each residence hall for cooking. 不允许携带枪支、刀具、卤素灯和宠物进入宿舍. You may bring a small microwave oven and small refrigerator. 住房和居住/通勤生活 has put together 健康与安全检查常见问题解答, 经批准的项目指南, and commonly asked questions regarding what is allowed in residence halls rooms. 

Who is responsible for arranging the repair of broken windows, clogged drains, etc.?

You report maintenance concerns to the Resident Advisor staff. 维修人员在工作日随时待命, and 24-hour emergency service is available during other times.


No, but there are several reasonably priced self-storage businesses in town.



如果你的客人超过18岁,你必须 填写此网上表格. 记住一定要打印一份,让你的客人随时都能拥有.


如果您的客人未满18岁,您将需要他们的父母/监护人填写 过夜未成年客人表格(PDF).



RA是常驻顾问——一个帮手、朋友、同伴和良好的信息资源. The average ratio of RAs to students is about 1 to 30. We encourage you to seek out your RA right away for help and information.


专业工作人员是管理人员,他们帮助管理整个校园的宿舍. 在比德福德校区, 住房和居住/通勤生活办公室由学生行为主任以及主任和副主任监督, 还有五个区域协调员. 这些专业的工作人员监督学生事务助理的工作,并为学生提供与学生事务处和校园其他办公室密切沟通的渠道.

I live on campus, and the bathroom sink in my suite is not draining. 我该怎么办??

Your RA is a great resource for you in your residence hall! Let your RA know about this and any other facilities issues, and your RA will put in a work order with Facilities to fix the issues.



For your course schedule and major requirements, you can talk with your Advisor. 有关注册、在线流程和错误信息的任何直接问题,请联系 注册服务

我正在找一份在校园里学习的工作. 你知道谁在招人吗?

There are many offices across campus that hire students for work study. You can find the open positions listed online at 本科生助学金. 你也可以询问不同办公室的工作人员,看看他们是否知道任何可能的机会.


您可以与您的顾问和/或与 职业服务 to explore changes to your major and compare the course requirements.


职业服务 can help you start and/or edit your portfolio, 包括你的简历和求职信. Concerning internships, check with your advisor as well as the 文理学院实习办公室 to explore opportunities that would be best for you.

我担心我有一门课不及格. Where can I go for help with test strategies and study skills?

查看我们的 学生学业成功中心! 他们有各种学习技巧和学习策略的资源以及辅导服务, 数学及写作服务, 发展课程.

I’m interested in starting a student organization on campus. 我怎么做呢?

你可以先和工作人员谈谈 校园中心和学生参与办公室. 另一个很好的资源是学生参与实习生,他们全年都在学生组织工作.

I just found out that one of my family members is sick/injured. I am so stressed, but I cannot go home for another month. 校园里有我可以倾诉的人吗?

绝对! 咨询服务 has staff on campus during business hours, and you can call ext. 安排一个约会. 我们在宿舍里也有住宿顾问和专业的住宿工作人员,他们可以在白天和下班后提供帮助.